Are you questioning if your relationship with food or your body image is unhealthy?
Are you tired of spending time obsessing, counting calories, weighing yourself, compulsively exercising, or comparing yourself to others? Do you find yourself allowing your body or the food you consume to define your self-worth?
In a toxic media culture, it can be extremely difficult to overcome obsessive thoughts about food and body on your own. That’s why we are here, to help you replace the unwanted, judgmental internal voice with self-compassion and empowerment.
If you aren’t sure if you have an unhealthy relationship with food or your body image, we will assess, give you feedback, provide psychoeducation, and help you find support that meets your needs.
We believe you have the ability to fully recover in order to live a freer life and are here to support you through the process.
our work together:
If you suffer from an eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating or orthorexia, have disordered eating habits, experience distress or guilt after meals, feel controlled by the need to exercise, experience poor body image, or are stuck in a cycle of chronic dieting, we are here to help. We will work together to address your underlying issues and offer new ways of thinking, communicating, and interacting with the world, free of obsessions, maladaptive behaviors, and critical self-talk.
What can i expect?
We will use a holistic and individualized approach to understanding the complexities of an eating disorder, which include health, relationship to food, body image, and identity. During this journey, we may recommend adding an eating disorder dietician to your support team. We will also treat other issues you wish to address, including anxiety, depression, life transitions, and relationship dissatisfaction. If you need additional support, we will give you resources to find a higher level of care.